S339 08 - Cataclasite
OU module rocks

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MicroscopeFact sheet
S339 08 - Cataclasite
Collected by Rob Butler in NW Scotland
Cambrian Pipe Rock Quartzite
Conamheall NC 375 526 - added to Google map
Additional images
58.431066, -4.773259
About this collection
This collection consists of the rocks and thin sections used in the Open University modules.
The first set of samples are from the level 3 module Understanding the Continents. The theme of the module is crustal evolution in contrasting environments. It covers plate-tectonic processes including extensional regimes, subduction zone processes, and collisional processes such as the formation of the Himalaya. The module is intended for those with an understanding of the essentials of igneous and metamorphic rock-formation processes, plate-tectonic theory and structural processes.
Sample details
We would like to thank the following for the use of this sample: